Adult Patients
Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations
A full diagnostic hearing evaluation performed by a doctor of audiology is the first step in determining the type, degree, configuration and symmetry of your hearing loss. This comprehensive examination includes a variety of measurements to rule out any medically treatable causes of hearing loss. Speech testing in quiet and noisy situations may also be completed in order to determine your ability to understand speech sounds. Our doctor will then explain your test results and speak with you provide you with information about appropriate treatment options to correct your hearing loss.
Evaluates the status of the middle ear, allowing us to determine how your eardrum moves and whether or not fluid behind the eardrum or other middle ear related disorders could be a contributing factor in your case.
Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs)
Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs) testing is a method of measuring sounds produced by the components of the inner ear (cochlear outer hair cells). OAE testing helps the audiologist determine if outer hair cell damage (cochlear dysfunction) exists. This unique type of testing can identify signs of dysfunction and hearing loss earlier than standard audiometric testing.
Auditory Brainstem Response testing (ABR)
This diagnostic tool is useful for detecting, localizing, and monitoring auditory and neurotologic deficits in an objective way. ABR is also used in conjunction with OAE in order to estimate hearing abilities in difficult to test patients when more conventional hearing tests cannot be used. ABR evaluates brain wave activity in the auditory centers of the brain in response to a series of clicks being presented to the ears.
Electronystagmography (ENG)
ENG records involuntary movements of the eye (measured with electrodes) caused by a condition known as nystagmus. Results are used to diagnose the cause of vertigo, dizziness or balance complaints. This painless test provides an objective assessment of the oculomotor and vestibular systems and generally involves 3 subtests. In the first test the patient is asked to follow a moving light with their eyes. In the second part the patient is asked to lay in specific positions that may trigger their vertigo while the eyes are observed for nystagmus. Finally, the ear canals are stimulated with a light flow of air that allows the doctor to assess the vestibular systems individually for comparison. Results from these three subtests are then analyzed along with the patient’s history in order to further determine the cause of their dizziness complaint.
Video Otoscopy
Visual inspection of the ear canal is completed to check for obstructions, wax blockages, or signs of outer or middle ear infections in the ear. Video Otoscopy is different from standard otoscopy because it projects an image of the ear canal onto a large screen television and allows you to look into your own ear along with the audiologist.